Alliance ehupuguw 13. October 2023


Sufosec (for Sustainable Food Systems and Empowered Communities), the Swiss Alliance for Sustainable Food Worldwide, is an alliance of six international cooperation NGOs. Their common goal is to sustainably reduce hunger and malnutrition by strengthening local food systems and communities on the basis of agroecological methods. The cooperation has been in place since 2020 and is being continuously intensified; it brings together the complementary expertise and experience of all stakeholders in the North and South and creates synergies for the efficient use of funds. The effect is systematically reviewed and improved.

The alliance organizations are Fastenaktion, SWISSAID, Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Suisse, Vivamos Mejor, Aqua Alimenta and Skat Foundation. They are currently involved in a total of over 450 projects in poverty-stricken countries in the global South – in close cooperation with local civil society organizations. Together, they want to achieve the goals of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with regard to hunger and malnutrition in the participating program areas. The alliance is financially supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) as part of its program contributions. A continuation of the cooperation is planned for the period 2025 to 2028.

Our statement

In the first joint programme 2021-2024, our six organizations are joining forces, creating synergies and benefiting from the complementary expertise of the individual organizations in order to achieve more together than alone.
Hunger has been on the rise again since 2015. According to the Global Hunger Index, 572 million people were undernourished in 2017, rising to 735 million in 2023. The numerous current crises have undone many of the achievements made in the fight against poverty in recent years. The alliance optimizes the coordinated approach, increases professionalism and impact.

After almost three years of cooperation, initial successes are becoming apparent: According to a survey, food security has increased by 13 percent in 32 project areas in 18 program countries over the last two years. Sufosec has developed into a knowledge hub, particularly in the areas of agroecology, local cooperation, the Triple Nexus and gender equality. For this reason, the Alliance organizations agreed early on to consider a second programme phase from 2025.

Sabine Maier (Vivamos Mejor)
Co-Presidency of the Sufosec Alliance
Markus Allemann (SWISSAID)
Co-Presidency of the Sufosec Alliance
Our goals

The joint international Sufosec 2021-2024 programme comprises the programmes of the six Alliance organizations and their approximately 250 partner organizations in 34 countries. Under the overarching goal of securing local livelihoods through agroecological transformation and strengthened communities, the four-year program pursued five concrete main objectives that contribute to the achievement of around nine development goals of the 2030 Agenda.

Our areas of application

The Alliance organizations are currently involved in 34 countries in the Global South as part of the joint program. The focus is on the most fragile countries and those most affected by hunger. The Alliance works with around 250 local partner organizations – they form the foundation of the Alliance and the joint programme. In countries where several Alliance organizations are active, joint structures are being set up to exploit synergies and share experiences.

Our expertise

The six Alliance organizations have specific skills, experience and networks that they bring to the Alliance and its collective expertise in a complementary and profitable way. The main activities and specific specialties of the Allianz organizations can be found in the brief profiles on this website.

The competencies and specialties of the alliance organizations complement each other.