Interim balance sheet 2023
Successes in the fight against hunger
The joint program of the Sufosec Alliance includes a continuous, systematic review of the impact of the projects. On the occasion of World Food Day on October 16, 2023, the Sufosec Alliance has now presented an initial interim assessment. It is encouragingly positive: Despite global crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ukraine war and climate change, the alliance can demonstrate its first measurable successes.
Sustainable improvements in food security are only possible if we succeed in empowering disadvantaged people and communities. Since the start of the program, the Alliance has empowered and strengthened over 500,000 people to improve their situation independently. Over 100,000 women and men from particularly disadvantaged groups have organized themselves to stand up for their rights and participate in relevant development processes.
The Alliance is making great efforts to promote gender equality, as it is proving to be an important key to overcoming hunger. The average proportion of women in management positions at 213 partner organizations increased from 44% in 2021 to 48% in 2022
The joint international Sufosec 2021-2024 programme comprises the programmes of the six Alliance organizations and their approximately 250 partner organizations in 34 countries. Under the overarching goal of securing local livelihoods through agroecological transformation and strengthened communities, the four-year program pursued five concrete main objectives that contribute to the achievement of around nine development goals of the 2030 Agenda.
Results and examples
2021 - 2022
In the first two years of the programme, almost a thousand employees of the Alliance organizations and their partner organizations took part in a total of 32 joint learning events on the topics of agroecology, local ownership, Triple Nexus, gender equality/PSEAH and others. In individual countries such as Chad, Colombia, Madagascar, Kenya and the Central American region, the Alliance has identified program synergies that are now to be harnessed. Thanks to a joint monitoring and evaluation system, it can be stated after two years that food insecurity in the program area has been reduced despite the global crises, and that 91,000 smallholder households are using new agroecological methods as part of the program and thus contributing to more resilient local food systems. These successes must be rated even higher when you consider how global conditions have deteriorated at the same time: COVID-19 pandemic, Ukraine war, accelerated climate change, etc.
Selected successes of Allianz
- In Kenya and Tanzania, Fastenaktion and SWISSAID have succeeded in significantly improving the ability of smallholder households to produce their own food. Various approaches have been used to increase agroecological productivity, including knowledge transfer, farmer networks, demonstration farms, smartphone apps, high-quality seeds and marketing and business initiatives.
- Vivamos Mejor ‘s 13-year commitment in Brazil shows that the year-round availability of water contributes to increased food production and improved resilience to climate shocks, which in turn leads to higher household incomes.
- In Madagascar, Aqua Alimenta supports training centers for farmers in peri-urban areas in the field of agroecology. It is noted that a large number of farmers apply the permaculture practices they have learned despite adverse conditions.
- Thanks to the introduction of agroecological methods and backyard food production, Fastenaktion and its partner organizations have been able to improve access to healthy food for vulnerable target groups in the Philippines.
- In Nicaragua, SWISSAID has examined the impact of the agroecological transformation in 21 farms more closely: they are on the road to success with the introduction of agroecological principles.
- In Mali, VSF-Suisse launched a project to strengthen the local milk value chain. With success: production and processing have been significantly improved.
Since the start of the program, around one million people have received improved access to basic services (clean water, sanitation, hygiene and education), natural resources (water, land and forest) and economic resources, and the same number have been reached with humanitarian aid.
Selected successes of Allianz
- In Senegal, the “Calebasse de Solidarité” concept supported by Fastenaktion – a community-based savings and credit system for disadvantaged people – has developed into a nationwide movement and network that is now recognized and co-financed by the government.
- In Burkina Faso and South Sudan, Fastenaktion and VSF-Suisse have demonstrably improved the livelihoods of small farmers through integrated approaches to agriculture and livestock farming, while at the same time contributing to the sustainable management of forests and land.
- In the area of youth development, Vivamos Mejor presented an impact study among at-risk youth in Colombia, which received an award from NADEL/ETH. The situation of the young people was significantly improved through a combined approach of job placement, psychosocial support and soft skills training.
- In Colombia, SWISSAID works with the partner organization Alianza por la Agrobiodiversidad. With positive results: the organization has recorded successes in political dialogue, for example on the recognition of locally produced seeds.
- In Zambia and Tanzania, the Skat Foundation ‘s partners have achieved considerable success in vocational training, particularly with a SMART approach to strengthening water, sanitation and hygiene.
Selected successes of Allianz
- A conflict analysis conducted on the triple nexus / conflict sensitivity (CSPM) between arable farmers and cattle breeders in Chad has shown that the dispute over natural resources is mainly due to the government’s failed decentralization policy.
- Human Rights-Based Approach: A learning group used a joint project of Fastenaktion and VSF-Suisse to assert the rights of small farmers as a learning field and for training.
- Gender equality: An audit in 2021 showed that women are well represented at the various levels of the alliance, but that significant improvements are still needed at grassroots level in many program countries. Allianz is staying on top of the issue.