Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Suisse
Worldwide, 1.3 billion people depend entirely or to a large extent on livestock farming for their livelihood. Of these, more than 500 million live in poverty. If the animals are not doing well, the livelihoods and lives of these people are at risk. Healthy farm animals, on the other hand, mean food and income. Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Suisse (VSF-Suisse) has been working on behalf of these people and their animals since 1988.
The mission
VSF-Suisse works in East and West Africa to strengthen the resilience and well-being of vulnerable populations by promoting the health and productivity of their livestock in a sustainable environment, thereby strengthening people’s resilience to the climate crisis, natural disasters and conflicts, as well as their livelihoods and food security. VSF-Suisse provides emergency aid in humanitarian crisis situations and implements medium and long-term development projects. This supports people on their way to a self-determined life and creates sustainable prospects. The approximately 150 local employees of VSF-Suisse always work closely with the local population, partner organizations and authorities and pay attention to the sustainable use of natural resources in line with the slogan: Healthy animals – Healthy people – Healthy environment.
The topics
- Animal health
- Animal welfare
- Livestock One Health
- Zoonoses
- Food security
- Livelihoods
- Resilience
- Capacity development
- Value chains
- Food security
- agroecology
- Sustainable management of natural resources
- innovations in fodder cultivation
- participatory rangeland management
- conflict reduction
- Triple Nexus
The specialties
Within the alliance, VSF-Suisse has many years of experience in working with livestock and in the production and marketing of animal products. The organization is also active in countries with extremely fragile contexts.
The countries
Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Mali, Niger, Somalia, South Sudan, Togo, Chad

Mühlenplatz 15
Postfach 343
CH-3000 Bern 13
+41 31 332 77 65
Contact person at Sufosec
Dr. Vincent Hug, Head of Programs
"Around the world, more than 500 million people living in poverty depend on livestock farming for their livelihoods. VSF-Suisse is committed to helping these people and their animals on a daily basis."
"Sufosec combines the expertise of six organizations. This unique pooling of expertise is reflected in concrete results for the people in the project areas."